@Nicoline_Andersen @alex_armesko
hey i d recommend deleting files in library of your laptop that are related to the software,it worked for me
Hey ,i just wanted to share this method that worked for me ,so basically if you can’ t use ome tv(or any other thing) even if you deleted “manycam” it’s because there are still files of the software in your computer ,this is why the software still shows as an option on your browser
,so what worked for me is :
i went to my finder (mac) , for windows it something called (windows explorer) it’s the place where all your files are (picture, video, application……)
then you’re gonna search in search bar for “many cam” and delete any files you find containing that name (becareful, delete only the ones containing the name of the software “anycam” cause other file can be important files for your computer )
then (this is the most important step) you go to library google.com/search?q=how+to+find+library+folder+on+mac / google.com/search?q=how+to+find+library+folder+on+windows
then in the search bar, search for the word “anycam” and delete all files containing that word (and the most important one ,is the one you will find named something like “anycam plug in“ ,which basically the thing that connects anycam to your browser,make sure to delete it)
i would also advise to delete your history on your browser (must check box of cached ,cookies when deleting history),don’t check the box of passwords cause that will delete your saved password on your browser
also restart your computer
this method worked for me on a mac ,but am sure it will be the same on windows.