Lower third hotkeys

I am a new user and love the product. hotkeys during use are essential. please add hotkey support for activation & deactivation of lowerthird


Hey @rapidbi,

Thank you for posting your suggestion. We’ll definetely consider adding this.

can we have the lower third on just one screen? it is on all screens so it makes the hotkey support very useful.

Hey @atbandcamp

There’s feature request for this. Please upvote it here: Different lower third per preset


I just got an X-keys device to automate manipulations in Manycams. This is a great device and I can switch to different preset in an easy way.
Could you please add keyboard shortcuts to activate/deactivate lower thirds, as well as start timer? That would be very, very, VERY handy :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance


Definitely an essential one! I can use presets for most of my other effects and shortcut between the presets, but for lower third this is not an option.

@kschambers It’s available in MC 8:

Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to have made it to the Mac version yet. :frowning:. BUT, you give me hope that its coming soon. :grin:

@kschambers It’s available on Mac version