Installer error on "free download" for Windows

I am considering purchasing ManyCam to allow me to add Chroma Key green screen capability on my laptop webcam for use with Cisco Webex. I want to confirm the software will work before I buy it.

When I “download for free” the “ManyCamWebInstaller.exe” and “run as Administrator” I receive a “c:\temp\dai8AEA.tmp\wisetup.exe - The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable” error. Then “Error: Unable to launch the main installation package. Please try to re-run the program. The program will now exit.”

Any ideas or suggestions?


Sailor Guy

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I also have this same problem. Did you find a resolution to it?

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@Trevor_Allen I did ultimately resolve the issue. I think the issue, I believe, was a downloading issue from the ManyCam download site. I tried several times over a few days and the download and install finally worked.

Good Luck,

Sailor Guy

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Following, same problem,

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