Blur isn't blurry

Hi Y’all,

Newbie here. So, I went ahead and bought ManyCam. But I can’t get a bunch of stuff to work so

Chroma needs a greenscreen. I can’t argue with that. But Zoom does a pretty nifty job of replacing backgrounds without the need of a greenscreen. Neither Chromakey nor backgrounds in effects do any good of a job at removing my background. Why not?

Youtube videos don’t work. Support confirmed this is broken at the moment. Super!

That only leaves blur background that I care about. It doesn’t work. A few of the edges are blurred. Actually, they kind of just flicker. I’m on a fairly new iMac (2 years old), I’ve turned on Metal in the app. I’m running Catalina 10.15.3. Everything should work according to the label. It doesn’t. Sigh.

Any help available?



What GPUs do you have?

You can try navigating to ManyCam Settings → General and selecting the Intel GPU as shown below.

AMD Radeon R9 M390


Please try again on a new beta

We’ve fixed quite a few things since then. Let me know if the issues are still there.

I’m using Windows The blur for the background works fine, but to blur a small area like a name using the blur effect does little. One can still read the name through the blur effect.