Hi Y’all,
Newbie here. So, I went ahead and bought ManyCam. But I can’t get a bunch of stuff to work so
Chroma needs a greenscreen. I can’t argue with that. But Zoom does a pretty nifty job of replacing backgrounds without the need of a greenscreen. Neither Chromakey nor backgrounds in effects do any good of a job at removing my background. Why not?
Youtube videos don’t work. Support confirmed this is broken at the moment. Super!
That only leaves blur background that I care about. It doesn’t work. A few of the edges are blurred. Actually, they kind of just flicker. I’m on a fairly new iMac (2 years old), I’ve turned on Metal in the app. I’m running Catalina 10.15.3. Everything should work according to the label. It doesn’t. Sigh.
Any help available?