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Issue 1. In previous versions of many cam, I could drag and drop an image file from any file right onto the active screen and the image would immediately appear, it was fast and efficient.
Now you have added a second step with a request for adding the image to the Layer or creating a new layer. This takes up valuable time in my classes now as I first wait for the screen to be active and then have to make a selection. I understand your desire to make it more dynamic and I appreciate that however, this made it less dynamic. I wonder if you could make that a changeable setting or revert. SEE screenshot 1 Below
Issue 2. When I choose the drawing tool, the pencil does is no longer the default tool. Rather it is the cursor tool that moves the layer. So I frequently find myself un-intentionally moving the video layer and then I have to select the pencil tool. Wasting screen time moving my layer back to where it should be and then having to select the pencil tool. Could you please make the pencil tool the default tool in the drawing function?? See the screenshot 2 below.
Thank you for your help and concideration. I love your program and use it 6 days a week for my teaching.
Screenshot 1:
![Screen Shot 2020-03-24 at 7.12.43 AM.png]()
Screenshot 2
![Pencil Tool.png]()