Any general discussions about ManyCam that aren’t requests for help.
MANYCAM 8 is a Rip Off
For all of us who have supported this company with a Premium Lifetime Subscription, of which I had purchased two, I feel very let down that my subscription of a ‘Premium Lifetime’ does not apply to version 8? Yet, for all the other versions up until v7 and its updates it applied. I cant work this one out. How can they charge for a Lifetime Subscription, which at the time included ALL FUTURE UPDATES, now not count with version 8.
Am I the only one who has fallen fowl of this Company? It seems they are Judge, Jury and Executioner when it comes to changing their policies, forgetting their loyal customers who paid good money for them to exist. If this is how they treat their loyal customers, just think what they must be like to work for! I pity their employees.
If nothing else, ManyCam has FAILED to honour all customers who purchased a Premium Lifetime Subscription! Shame on you!!!